Today's Sunday Gathering, without going into too much detail, was amazing. Our pre-service began with a manifestation of two demons who were quickly rebuked and sent on their way. In short, we reminded them that they have already been defeated by the work that Jesus did on the cross. We also reminded them whose house they were in. It truly was a blessing to see God at work, as it served for me a great reminder of His Kingdom and the joy it is knowing that His presence prevails.
But, as I drove home, the Lord whispered, "Don't grow complacent."
I sensed that it was a Word, not just for me, but for our entire church family.
Branchers!!! The Kingdom of God has come and the enemy is upset and angry. He will do whatever he can to intimidate and deter us. I charge you, church, to keep at it. I encourage you to pray in the Spirit without ceasing. I challenge you stay glued to the Word. And I call all of us to worship God every chance we get.
Join me, Branch family, as we yield to God and follow the Holy Spirit's leading. Join me, Branchers, as we declare His majesty over our church and over Long Beach. Join me, saints, as we continue to preach the Gospel and make disciples.